To know about the What is a web hosting service, first, you should be aware of the term what is a web hosting service When you prompt into a website while browsing the web, you do it because the browser you are currently using contains several data with codes and transforms the profit into something that is truly visible to your eyes. Same as in the PC, the data get stored into the preferred storage where you can access and find it later. Moreover, not on the hard drive, you can find them on another computer device. Hence, you name it ‘server’.
On the next side, the one who owns the same server can rent it and offer a lot of services as well. These services generally believe to include server management, maintenance, malware scanning, backups and so on. And the method that goes through this foundation for others is summoned as Web hosting. The person who prepares or arranges it all is known as the ‘hosting provider’.
Table of Contents
What is a Web Hosting Service and its Classification
Moreover, there are numerous factors that go into account when it comes to deciding the best web host. To help you get What is a best hosting service, I have managed to put together the different types of hosting service in this article. Hence, I would suggest you go through this entire article to get the one which suits you the most. The hosting options available to you includes:
- Shared Hosting
- VPS Hosting
- Website Builders
- Dedicated Hosting
1) Shared Hosting – Excellent For Newcomers
While talking about the best hosting services, Shared Hosting is the first name that pops up in one’s mind. Also, this hosting service is considered to be the best for all the beginners out there. Using the shared hosting services, you can find your website placed on the unique corresponding server just like the other websites. And when it comes to the bunch, it depends on your setup and your current hosting provider. So, right below, I have mentioned the pros and cons of a shared hosting service that will help you to understand as well as decide better.
Unique Features
- One of the greatest benefits of shared web hosting is that it also allows you to split the cost of the server you are using with several people.
- The shared hosting comes at a really affordable price.
- Also, using a shared hosting account takes the perfect care of in terms of setup.
- Apart from that, it takes very little to configure leaving you with the focus exclusively on developing your website.
Bottom Line
Overall, this web hosting service is best for housing websites that do not go through a huge number of traffics. Also, it includes static brochure websites, construction and test websites, personal websites or different sites where uptime is not a matter of tremendous concern for you. On the other sides, you can consider it to be the best option available to you if you are running on a really short budget.
Related Blog: free web hosting service
2) VPS Hosting – Next-gen Shared Hosting
Another best hosting service on this list includes VPS hosting. This web hosting stands out to be the most well-evenhanded web hosting service among the top hosting services available. Here, the full form of VPS apprises the Vital Private Server. Though the VPS hosting is a shared hosting in its background, the approach of its setup is pretty different from that of the shared hosting.
Besides, all the websites on VPS share the same real server, it necessarily houses several distinctive pragmatic tools. For that purpose, it further takes the shape of some intermediate ground connecting shared hosting and arranging your own private dedicated server.
Unique Features
- When compared to the shared hosting, you will come to find that VPS hosting is more reliable and secure.
- Because it is normally restricted to 10-20 websites per server only. This further helps to reduce the requirement on the server in itself which is another good thing about the VPS hosting.`+
- Also, the actual development is that all the resources used here are divided in an equivalent manner. And no other website gets the access to pass its lot.
- One more important advantage of VPS servers is that they produce extra versatility as well as enable you to design and modify your own background.
- Last but not the least, the VPS is scalable.
Bottom Line
So, those who can afford the high price should better go for the VPS hosting services. Though the cost will be a bit more than the other web hosting services, even the cheapest tier is generally much better than that of the shared hosting solutions. At least, when you get to produce generous amounts of traffic from this web hosting service, you should definitely make the move. Besides, you should properly examine the particulars of what you are getting such as the setup fees and the CPU power.
3) Website Builders – Simple Customized Solutions
The website builder is another type of website hosting service. Website builder services provide all the necessary stuff to beginners who require them to host a new website. This is considered to be the best hosting service for those who hold a little technical skill and besides are curious to create one for themselves.
The website builder services usually offer you an online browser-based interface to develop your own website. Apart from that, it hosts the website for you making sure that you don’t require any additional setup.
Unique Features
- Easy to use.
- Quality of website design templates and themes.
- Website design template customization options.
- Default web page layouts.
- e-Commerce solutions
Bottom Line
Apart from that, Website Builder is really easy to use and gives you an amazing blogging experience with its personalized features. It offers you a great range of website design templates options and themes that help to enhance your website even more. Along with that, there are pre-formatted web page layouts that allow you to modify the appearance and the texture of your website.
4) Dedicated Hosting – Unique And Reliable
Apart from that, there is another web hosting service known as Dedicated Hosting. With this hosting service, you can have the complete webserver to yourself. This web hosting service lets you perform in a swift manner. Because you own all server’s resources completely and don’t need to share it with the other website owners, it makes your process even faster.
Unique Features
- Unique IP Address
- Reliability
- Security
- Customization
Bottom Line
In a nutshell, the Dedicated Hosting offers you a unique IP address that you can use to make your website distinctive from the others and flourish your business to retain the organization’s reputation.
So, what is a web hosting service for you? Thus, before you go for any of these hosting services, know how it will be beneficial for you. Judge well before you make your decision. Best of luck with your website.
Some of the FAQs you may Want to Know:
How much does web hosting cost?
Can I buy a domain name without hosting?
Is GoDaddy a good host?
GoDaddy has been a trustworthy host for a long time — the world’s first domain registrar. The hosting company is a trustworthy provider with some of the best safety and durability in the industry, which we strongly recommend.
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